I wanted to give some love to a few fabulous tango blogs I've recently uncovered thanks to other well-informed tango bloggers out there. Give them a read when you get the chance, there's beautifully written content out there.
Gonzalo David Orihuela - http://gonzaloorihuela.blogspot.com/
La Milonga Del 126 (Honolulu/Buenos Aires): http://lamilongadel126.blogspot.com/
TangoBora's All About Tango: http://tangobora.wordpress.com/
Beating Tolstoy, mostly a blog about proactivity, with some tango thrown in - wonderful stuff: http://beatingtolstoy.wordpress.com/
Christina and Ladybug of TangoDurians: http://tangodurians.blogspot.com/
There are probably a few more, but I've lost track of which blog I added to the blogroll when, so those are the most recent ones.
Gonzalo David Orihuela - http://gonzaloorihuela.blogspot.com/
La Milonga Del 126 (Honolulu/Buenos Aires): http://lamilongadel126.blogspot.com/
TangoBora's All About Tango: http://tangobora.wordpress.com/
Beating Tolstoy, mostly a blog about proactivity, with some tango thrown in - wonderful stuff: http://beatingtolstoy.wordpress.com/
Christina and Ladybug of TangoDurians: http://tangodurians.blogspot.com/
There are probably a few more, but I've lost track of which blog I added to the blogroll when, so those are the most recent ones.
Muchas Gracias for shinning the spotlight on LaMilongaDel126. I am already receiving bus loads of new traffic.
In case you are interested in seeing a short tango movie we just made here you have Pixilation 2. Hope you enjoy it.