Where you found me

“Five minutes are enough to dream a whole life, that is how relative time is.” ― Mario Benedetti.

Where did you find me?

I laugh a little, my glasses are where you found me.
The lights are still low as poor-sighted dancers
search for their spectacles.
Right now I cannot see a thing.

When you found me, what was I doing?
What was I thinking, so long ago,
5 minutes ago,
1 year ago,
5 years ago,
when you found me?
I can't remember anymore.
I am remembering everything wrong,
everything colored by the music and soft sighs.

Your arm is gone,
your voice is gone,
hazy-visioned and disoriented,
I try to return to the place I was.

When I think I am there,
I realize, blinking slowly,
hands reaching toward empty space,
it is no longer there.
It has moved on without me.
That place where you found me.
And with it,
the woman you found there.

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